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Alex - Our learning portal

Unrivalled tools to deliver and manage online learning

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ALEX is the culmination of over three year’s experience and investment in a class leading learning management system (LMS). The portal designed to bring out the best of our courses while making administration easy for our partners and their students.

Key components

ALEX encompasses three key components to help our partners and customers deliver courses effectively and easily.

Reduce the overhead in delivery and managing learning

  • Easy to use, branch view of your organisation
  • Web-based and automated management reports
  • Centralised view of learner activity
  • Automated student emails to reduce admin

Delegate administration into branches

  • Pass branch management to local level
  • Front-line staff can take responsibility for their learners
  • Local staff can view activity and progress

Easy to use student environment

  • Easy to use course navigation
  • Previous courses, records and certificates retained
  • Optional white-labelled environment
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ALEX is protected by CloudFlare, one of the world's largest cloud network platforms, protecting over 12 million sites.


Our courses are delivered via the internet's largest "ad free" video platform. The third-party platform has over 715 million monthly video views, giving our service the ability to scale into millions of users.

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Useful resources

Case studies

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